"Resistance is the energy that makes up our limiting beliefs and negative emotions and acts as an energetic force field against anything we're trying to make a part of our experience. The tricky part about resistance is that it's often hidden deep within the subconscious, and often we don't even know it's there." ~ Bob Doyle
You may believe that some people have what it takes to accomplish anything they want too and some people just don't have that ability. This is just not true in any sense of the word. You are as good or powerful as anyone else. You have the power within you to do whatever it takes to do whatever you want. To accomplish your life long dreams. Your power is limitless. Believe it!
It is a matter of mind set. It is a matter of how your thought processes work. You and only you have total control over what you think, how you think.
We are so impregnated with negative teachings all through our life that it becomes extremely hard to even recognize this fact. But, it is part of our makeup whether we see it or not.
We become like a taco all wrapped up in all of the negative events occurring around us that we allow these thoughts and events to become a part of us. Unconsciously, yes; or maybe we consciously allow this to happen.
What you need to do to change this is to make a firm decision to change it. Changing your negative thinking is like using a road map. Start at your location and map out where you want to go. Mark every step along the map that you want to change. Be totally honest with yourself. For instance, if you are negatively influenced by the daily news on the TV or in the newspaper or anywhere else, stop watching, listening and reading it.
You may need to do this in a way that is much different from how another person does it. None of us are exactly alike. Thank God. You have to decide how you are going to change your own thinking pattern. Do it and stick with it. Have the grit to move on.
There is ONE thing that you absolutely must sew into your brain's actions to accomplish moving out of your own resistant mind set: gratitude. Be thankful for everything that comes your way. Please don't tell me that this is an impossibility. I know better and I know this because I use this every day and many, many times during the day to accomplish what I want to accomplish. If I didn't use this technique in my life I would certainly have given up on building my own business by now and I would have given up on life itself.
Allow me to tell you a story and I hope that it doesn't turn out to be a novel. I am not accomplishing very much with the company that I am with. Most people would have thrown up their hands, been so frustrated, depressed and felt beaten upon that they would have given up by now and would have moved on to another company. Not me. Why? Because I believe in this company. I have a passion for this company and what I perceive they are trying to achieve. I have a passion for where I want to be and for what I want to accomplish and I firmly believe that I can do this with this company. I am grateful for this company.
Life can suck if we allow it too. You may be as broke as a street person. You may feel broken as a person. You may be out of a job and wondering where in the heck you are going to find a job so you can eat a descent meal or feed your family. Trust me, give thanks for these things and a job will come your way. If you are trying to build your own business be grateful for the guts to try it.
One of the hidden aspects of being grateful for all is that this attitude changes your way of thinking It causes you to act, feel and look at your life differently. You are able to get out and find a good job because you look and feel different about YOURSELF. Employers will sense that you are different and be willing to take a chance with hiring you. Your efforts in building your own business will be rewarded.
I know and firmly understand how dang difficult it can be to give thanks for everything. It takes practice and it takes determination to change your life. When you feel yourself about ready to scream and give up, give it a second push.
Every living, breathing human being comes to some sort of road block in changing their mental attitude, their resistance to change and they have to give it one more effort, one more push ahead to ever accomplish their dreams. That second wind, that second effort is what makes your life different. Be willing to give it.
Love and Blessings,
Love and Blessings,