Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Are Your Opening Words?

Why don't your prospects believe what you are saying?
Maybe because you are assuming that they will trust and believe anything you tell them.

Do these sound familiar to you?
1. You can trust me...
2. You can believe me when I say ...
3. I am from North Carolina so sure you can take what I say to the bank...
4. I live near you so you know I wouldn't lie to you...
5. We have the best ever compensation plan that has been devised...
6. Sure, you can make lots of money right away even this week...
7. My company has the best most researched product for ............. on the market...
8. This is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind...
9. This is a ground floor opportunity....

Do these sound like something you are saying to your prospects? If so, stop it! These types of statements throw up big red flags waving in the air like hot air balloons.

Want to know what these types of statements say to me? You might not but I am going to tell you anyhow. SELLING!!!!!! You are trying to sell. And, people don't like to be sold to.

Most of the people you are talking to don't know you from Joe Blow. If you start off with one of these then I can assure you your prospect will think of you as blowing in the wind.

This is true whether you are face to face with your prospect or doing online marketing. The same will hold true in any situation.

Here is an idea for you from Tom 'Big Al" Schreiter:
Write down the first ten words that you are going to say to your prospect. Do these words create trust or do they create mistrust?

In today's world people are more skeptical than ever so your first words will either get you a good prospect or forever loose you a good one. It is your choice. Change what you are saying and win or keep on with the same old, same old and slip by the wayside.

Wishing you all much success,