So you are thinking about trying a home business or maybe you already have one. Did you do your home work? I mean that literally. Have you studied, read and absorbed from the masters. If not you will be in for a rude awakening.
I was in direct marketing way before network marketing ever got its name. You see network marketing didn't come into the language realm until the internet got so popular. Okay! Okay, I do have some years on me but the experience has been worth it. So I know some of the best people to learn from and those to stay away from.
One thing that you must understand is that you are responsible for gathering all of the education you can about running a home business. This means not only information about network marketing but also how to improve your own mental image of yourself. This takes time but it shouldn't stop you nor slow you down from starting in your own business. Educating yourself is an ongoing process. Do it daily and you will reap the rewards.
Never allow your lack of knowledge stop or hinder you from building your business! All of us started out not knowing a dang thing about running a home business but that didn't stop any of us.
Be sure to also check out my page of Free Resources.
"To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks." ~A.A. Milne
Below I have listed some resources that I have used and still use to this day in my business:
These are in no particular order so don't think that number 1 is number 1 in my mind. They are listed just as I came across them in my records. The ones with a red bold number are ones that I consider to be the most important and useful to your business and your personal life. The links will take you to my affiliate site.
1. Home Business Tax Savings: Dr. Ron Mueller
THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK. There are Big tax breaks available to home-based business owners, Exactly how to qualify for each of them, and How to easily keep bullet-proof tax records.
The average home business owner is overpaying his or her taxes by at least $20 a day because of what they don't know. "Information is power, but lack of information is expensive!
THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK. There are Big tax breaks available to home-based business owners, Exactly how to qualify for each of them, and How to easily keep bullet-proof tax records.
The average home business owner is overpaying his or her taxes by at least $20 a day because of what they don't know. "Information is power, but lack of information is expensive!
2. MLM Bombshell: Dale Calvert
If you are looking for a brain tweak, and insight into the MLM Industry and network marketing business I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
If you are looking for a brain tweak, and insight into the MLM Industry and network marketing business I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
3. MLM Training Gurus: Dale Calvert
The best MLM training information on the web. Learn from some of the best in MLM.
The best MLM training information on the web. Learn from some of the best in MLM.
Learn how to build your business on a budget. Free videos and articles.
Free videos. Learn how to sponsor from the pro.
If you are going to own your own business then you need to learn how to write ads and websites the right way.
This is one of the best books on scripts to use when talking with other people about your opportunity.
Listen to Todd as he talks about getting over the fear of speaking with others:
Listen to Todd as he talks about getting over the fear of speaking with others:
The referrer is David Haines. Download a Free ebook: "Success In Ten Steps". You will need to enter some information to get to the download but it is certainly worth doing it. Excellent ebook. I actually printed it off so I could study and make notes easier. It is FREE so go ahead and download it.
Digital Cameras? - RUBBISH! That is the attitude of millions of Digital Camera owners around the world. They're promised stunning and beautiful photographs, but end up with mundane snaps. Because no-one has shown them HOW to use the amazing technology of their high-tech equipment - until now! The Newbie Club has persuaded veteran photographer Jann Gentry to write an astonishing ebook called DigiCam MAGIC! And that is exactly what she's created - a truly Magical book devoid of technical jargon and bursting with Pro tutorials guaranteed to help you create memorable photographs you'll be proud of.
From Michael Green and myself. A FREE ebook explaining how to get the most from your marketing efforts with Twitter.
11. Traffic Dashboard
From Marlon Sanders. A must have to drive traffic to all your advertising. The best system that I have found and the most complete tutorials available.
12. Think Right Now
For your personal development. Thought and behavior modification software, music and audio programs. Covers every area of your life. The list of programs is too long to place here so when you visit the site be sure to look around. Six months guarantee.
Some of the above listed items are in my affiliate arsenal which means I may make a few cents off of the purchase of some of these items.