Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tips That Will Help Your Email Campaigns

If you are trying to build your business then email marketing is a must 'to-do' thing. Yes, you can market on social networks, safelist, rotators, etc. but remember it takes more than one time for someone to see your message before they are apt to buy. Having a list of potential customers is an absolute must. (My opinion and some other's opinion.)

For this post I am going to assume that you have a good list. Also let's understand that we have to send out not only what we are marketing but also good informative information that will assist your list subscribers. I have found that including both in every email is the best. 

After all is said and done the main reason for even sending out business emails is to increase your revenue. You do want to eventually sell something.

You should have a little marketing pitch worked into your message alone with some great information that you have found. It is all over the internet so finding something is easy if you are willing to look. You can just send out a marketing email for something special. Be sure to make it special. Hope you understand what I mean.

I received some interesting information about all this email marketing stuff from DEMC E-Magazine. The article was written by the editor, Abbie Drew. In the email it gives 4 Insider Tips to Higher Email Revenue:

     1. What time of day to send emails.
     2. What day to send out emails.
     3. How many emails to send out for each specific marketing item.
     4. Use of preheaders. 

Let's take one at a time and expand on them.

"1. Send emails between 8 PM and midnight. 

According to a Q4 2012 analysis by Experian CheetahMail - emails sent late in the evening outperformed emails sent any other time of day. 

Emails sent between 8 PM and 12 AM generated higher open and clickthrough rates, more transactions, larger orders, and greater revenue per email than emails sent at any other time. Email sent from 8 PM - 12 AM had return of 48 cents per email. This was triple the overall average of 14 cents per email. 

2. Deliver email promotions on Saturday. 

Experian found Saturday generated the best return on investment. 

The transaction rate on Saturday was .16%, compared with .11% overall. 

3. Increase the number of emails sent for each specific offer. 

A one time email for a singular offer, will generate response. 

You'll increase your response and your revenue if you send out three to five emails for each specific offer. Use different copy for each emailing and build on the urgency to act before it's too late. 

4. Use preheaders to sell. 

A preheader is the text shown at the very top of your email. When viewing email on a mobile devices, preheaders are most often displayed right after an email's subject line. 

Don't waste this valuable space to simply list out subscription information or links to a web version. Instead use your preheader as an extension of your subject line. 

Include additional information pertaining to your offer. Enticing preheaders increase overall email open rates by more than 17%!" 

This information about email marketing is different from what came out some two years ago so pay attention.

If you would like to subscribe to the DEMC E-Magazine then enter your name and email address at DEMC Subscription Service. You will be glad you did.

Do you have some stats about email marketing that would help others? If so how about leaving a comment for all of us. Helping others is the fun part of this business.

Good luck with your email marketing efforts...


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